What is Noctura?

Noctura 400 Sleep Mask for diabetics.

If you have diabetes, stabilising your vision is critical.

Did you know that when it’s dark and you are asleep, the eyes need more oxygen? In the diabetic eye the retina can become starved of oxygen. The eye tries to produce new blood vessels to deliver more oxygen to the retina. These new blood vessels are often weak, leak fluid and blood, which affects vision and could lead to total sight loss if left untreated.

  • This is an innovative technology, which can be used as a therapy for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular oedema. The light therapy has been sensitively designed so that it doesn’t interfere with your sleep and records your usage. The results speak for themselves.

  • The mask administers a precise low-level light through closed eyelids while you sleep, to reduce oxygen demand. It is a non-invasive, innovative, effective and comfortable home-based therapy. Used extensively in clinical trials, the mask works while you sleep by emitting a light that shines through your closed eyelids and stimulates the retina in such a way it prevents diabetic eye disease progressing. It’s inbuilt intelligence monitors the treatment dosage and duration. An easy and comfortable process to safeguard your vision.

    At Concept, the treatment is part of an ongoing monitored therapy and regular check-ups are provided including Optomap scans. After a 12 week period, the mask is returned for analysis and a replacement mask is provided. The collected usage data allows our optometrist to compare your usage of the mask with any changes in vision.

  • The mask is designed to reduce hypoxia in the eye which is present at some level in everyone with diabetes. Therefore, people with any stage of diabetic retinopathy can use the mask

We pride ourselves to make the health of your vision affordable. Find out today if you are eligible for our unique Noctura Plan by contacting your nearest Concept Eye Clinic. Please note Noctura is currently available at our Durham, Tynemouth, Wimbledon and Bridgwater practices but will be available in all clinics mid 2024.

Contact your nearest Concept Eye Clinic to find out more




Macular Degeneration